2024-2025 Sunnymead Elementary HSA Executive Board

Our HSA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in open board positions or volunteer postions? Contact us!  board@sunnymeadhsa.org

ExEcutive board members

President: Maria Galletta: president@sunnymeadhsa.org

Co-President/Vice President: OPEN

Treasurer: Candice Clayton treasurer@sunnymeadhsa.org

Secretary: Veronica Armour VeronicaArmour@sunnymeadhsa.org

Social Media/Communications Coordinator: Caroline Erikson CarolineErikson@sunnymeadhsa.org

Support our Sunnymead Coordinator: Christine Andreyko ChristineAndreyko@sunnymeadhsa.org

Yearbook: Lis Christopher yearbook@sunnymeadhsa.org



Members at Large: 

Brittany Yackulich BrittanyYackulich@sunnymeadhsa.org

Abbie Inclan. AbbieInclan@sunnymeadhsa.org

Leah Simonik  leahsimonik@sunnymeadhsa.org 

Jennifer Sarro jennifersarro@sunnymeadhsa.org